NT2C for 1 or 2

Prepare 1-2 servings of a No Time 2 Cook entree for singles, Empty Nesters, and Home Bound individuals

Learning how to prepare 1-2 servings of a No Time 2 Cook entree can be very beneficial for family’s of fewer than 3-4 people. This method allows individuals and couples to enjoy our delicious entrees with just a little effort and a few on hand kitchen items.


Remove a No Time 2 Cook casserole from the freezer and allow to sit out until the product has thawed enough to cut into the preferred serving sizes. Do not allow to completely thaw. The product should still be well frozen but in a softer frozen state. Remove and save the top label. Cut into desired serving sizes (Remember when served with several sides, one of our casseroles should yield 3-4 servings. I feed my family of 4 with one casserole when served with 2 steamed veggies and a salad.) Wrap each serving in plastic wrap and place all servings back into the No Time 2 Cook black tray. Wipe away any residue from the label and place over the servings for identification. Slip the entire tray with the label and individual servings into a gallon Ziploc bag and return to the freezer.

To cook a serving that needs to bake such as Chicken Pie, mini loaf pans work well. I suggest lining the loaf pan with foil for easy clean up. Remove serving(s) from plastic wrap and place in lined mini loaf pan. Return unused servings back to freezer. Bake at recommended oven temp and to internal temperature indicated by the instructions on the bottom of the No Time 2 Cook black tray. The baking time will be shorter than the time indicated since the product is now smaller than the full size casserole. Keep a close watch as it bakes and temp with an internal probe thermometer. These are available in the kitchen supply section at most medium to large grocery stores or kitchen supply stores.

To prepare a microwaveable/skillet product such as Chicken and Dumplings, just pop the serving into a microwave safe dish or non-stick skillet. Cook until hot and bubbly. Stir often and heat to the internal temperature indicated on the bottom of the No Time 2 Cook black tray using a probe thermometer.

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