Christmas Morning Snack Mix

Who has the nostalgic memory of a big box of Bridge Mix under the tree on Christmas morning? How about Chocolate Covered Cherries? My sister and I found a box of each under our tree making Christmas morning the one and only day of the year when chocolate was allowed for breakfast. Yummy!! Keeping the chocolate theme alive, here’s a festive twist for your Christmas morning splurge this year.

One of our long time employees, Laurie Lackey, created this recipe and shared with me many years ago. You can change the fruit and nuts to go with the season or occasion. You can even change the chocolate to milk or dark chocolate, but white chocolate makes the prettiest snack mix. This makes a great little Christmas happy for friends, neighbors, teachers, etc. For a gift that keeps on giving, copy and paste the recipe below to a word document, print, and attach.



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